Physical education
Components of Fitness - Health Related - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 3 - Physical Training
Lesson 1 - Relationship between health and fitness
Lesson 2 - Components of Fitness - Health Related
Lesson 3 - Components of Fitness - Skill Related
Lesson 4 - Fitness Testing - Part 1
Lesson 5 - Fitness Testing - Part 2
Lesson 6 - Use of Data
Lesson 7 - Principles of Training
Lesson 8 - Methods of Training
Lesson 9 - Training seasons and injury prevention
Practical - Physical Training Lessons
Technology in Sport - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
5b - Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Lesson 1: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1
Lesson 2: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2
Lesson 3: Technology in Sport
Spectator Behaviour - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 5c - Ethical Issues
Lesson 1 - Players’ conduct
Lesson 2 - Prohibited Substances
Lesson 3 - Spectator Behaviour
Sedentary Lifestyle - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness
Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness
Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle
Lesson 3: Somatotypes
Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Somatotypes - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 6 - Health and Fitness
Lesson 1: Health, well-being and fitness
Lesson 2: Sedentary Lifestyle
Lesson 3: Somatotypes
Lesson 4: Diet and Energy Sources
Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2 - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
5b - Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Lesson 1: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 1
Lesson 2: Commercialisation in Sport - Part 2
Lesson 3: Technology in Sport
Post-industrial Britain and the impact on sport
Chapter 3.1 - Emergence of the globalisation of sport in the twenty-first century
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To know the characteristics of industrial Britain (1780 - 1840)
AO2: To apply these characteristics to rational recreation
AO3: To begin to evaluate how social-cultural factors affected sport during the industrial revolution
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Rationalisation of Sport
Chapter 3.1 - Emergence of the globalisation of sport in the twenty-first century
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To know the characteristics to rational recreation
AO2: To apply these characteristics to football, lawn tennis and athletics
AO3: To begin to evaluate how social-cultural factors affected sport during the industrial revolution
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Post-1950: The Golden Triangle
Chapter 3.1 - Emergence of the globalisation of sport in the twenty-first century
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To know interrelationship between commercialisation (including sponsorship), media (radio, TV, satellite, internet and social media) and sports and governing bodies.
AO2: To apply this knowledge to modern day sport
AO3: To evaluate the Golden Triangles impact to sport
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Amateurism and Professionalism
Chapter 3.1 - Emergence of the globalisation of sport in the twenty-first century
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To know the characteristics of amateurism and professionalism
AO2: To apply the impact of amateurism and professionalism to rational recreation
AO3: To evaluate the impact of amateurism and professionalism
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Dietary Supplements
Chapter 4.1 - Diet and nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To identify the positive and negative effects of dietary supplements
AO2: To apply the effects of diet supplements on sports performance
AO3: To evaluate the suitability of dietary supplements
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Whiting’s information processing model
Chapter 9.1 - Information Processing
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO2: To illustrate and explain Whiting’s model of information processing
AO2: To apply this knowledge to sporting situations
AO3: To analyse each the aspects of the model
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Response Time
Chapter 9.1 - Information Processing
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To describe reaction time, response time, movement time and the relationship between them
AO2: To explain the theories that outline the factors affecting response
AO3: To analyse the strategies a coach could use to improve response time
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
MYP Physical and Health Education E-portfolio 2019 Task 1
This exemplar was created to support students during their 2019 E-Portfolio for IB in response to the given Unit Planner and statement of inquiry.
SOI: Using our surroundings can offer opportunities to develop our personal competencies
Task 1: Initial observations and analysis (as a coach) supports the students to meet criterion A assessment statements and provides an example bibliography.
MYP Physical and Health Education E-Portfolio 2020 Task 2
This exemplar was created to support students during their 2020 E-Portfolio for IB in response to the given Unit Planner and statement of inquiry.
SOI: Developing to be the best we can be, positively impacts our futures
Task 2: Performance development plan supports the students to meet criterion B assessment statements and provides an example bibliography. This continues to guide students to develop their coaching plan to meet their health and fitness goals.
The exemplar aims to demonstrate a top mark for criterion B.
MYP Physical and Health Education E-Portfolio 2020 Task 4
This exemplar was created to support students during their 2020 E-Portfolio for IB in response to the given Unit Planner and statement of inquiry.
SOI: Developing ourselves to be the best we can be, positively impacts our futures.
Task 4: Final evaluation and reflection; supports the students to meet criterion D assessment statements and provides an example bibliography. This gives information of reflections from both the perspective of the client and coach.
The exemplar aims to demonstrate a top mark for criterion D.
MYP Physical and Health Education E-Portfolio 2019 Task 2
This exemplar was created to support students during their 2019 E-Portfolio for IB in response to the given Unit Planner and statement of inquiry.
SOI: Using our surroundings can offer opportunities to develop our personal competencies
Task 2: Performance development plan supports the students to meet criterion B assessment statements and provides an example bibliography. This continues to guide students to develop their coaching plan to meet their health and fitness goals.
The exemplar aims to demonstrate a top mark for criterion B.
MYP Physical and Health Education E-Portfolio 2019 Task 4
This exemplar was created to support students during their 2019 E-Portfolio for IB in response to the given Unit Planner and statement of inquiry.
SOI: Using our surroundings can offer opportunities to develop our personal competencies
Task 4: Final evaluation and reflection; supports the students to meet criterion D assessment statements and provides an example bibliography. This gives information of reflections from both the perspective of the client and coach.
The exemplar aims to demonstrate a top mark for criterion D.
Stress Management
Chapter 12.1 - Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To describe the terms stressors, stress and eustress
AO2: To explain the difference between cognitive and somatic stress and the techniques used to control anxiety.
AO3: To evaluating the use and worth of popular stress management techniques
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Chapter 12.1 - Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To identify the characteristics of effective leaders
AO2: To apply styles and theories of leadership for different sporting situations
AO3: To evaluate the style of leadership
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.